What is a volunteer anyway? At the core a volunteer is FREE HELP! Volunteers come in all shapes and sizes, experience levels and energy and time restricted levels. They also come in all economic status levels as well. April is Volunteer Month. It would be nice if in the future it became known […]
Social currency is the first item in the acronym STEPPS, from the book Contagious, Why Things Catch On, by Jonah Berger. This path or methodology is designed to allow for the formation of a strategy for those who want to get an idea across in social media in a very big way, through word […]
Pretty girl promoting lap top on the beach Do you know who in your group or associated with your group is a honest to goodness promoter of your charity along with your group? How about your detractors? Are passives easy to identify? This concept is very well presented in the business book by authors […]
U. S. Navy Blue Angles Top Gun, the movie and the Blue Angels are where many Americans get their image of the U.S. Navy life for those who volunteer to serve at sea. The movie, The Hunt For Red October is where many Americans first saw submarine life too. These jobs are not all […]
The question I have been asked is do the volunteers of the many holiday parades incur the same health benefits as the volunteers who are engaged full time with groups supporting charities? The answer is that I have yet to find studies or evidence to support this idea. There is no doubt that […]
Volunteers for groups who support worthy charities need many characteristics in order to maximize their potential. This list is not all inclusive. It is meant to be a highlight or start rather than an end. See if you agree or disagree with this list. 1. Time management is the first and foremost of the group […]
Former U.S. President Carter reflects his volunteering in person through several charities, but he also inspires loyalty in others through his leading by example. Mother Teresa in the headline caption devoted her life to volunteering for her church and inspired huge amounts of people to look at life differently and volunteering in particular. Such […]
Former U.S. President Ronald Reagan generated loyalty in politics that was unheard of at the time. A former actor, he was best known as the great communicator! When he died, the outpouring of loyal leaders as well as citizens was amazing. Keep in mind that the torch bearer for the original conservative movement in the […]
For most people social-media is like the moon, it is available and useful, up to a point. But like the moon, which is something that really doesn’t add value to our life directly, only through it’s influence on the tides and the earths rotation social-media is all around us without most of us really […]
With our government in shutdown, what is the average person who is not wealthy enough to survive the looming crisis to do? Birds of a feather flock together is one bit of wisdom that could be helpful. Find groups of like minded souls who are in the same boat and work together. This […]