Man giving a rose to a lady, who accepts it gracefully Men have given ladies gifts ever since couples have gathered into families, perhaps earlier! In the real world, ladies admire men who can set the gift giving bar high as well. Volunteering is giving of your time and expertise over money, something that is […]
When we see a book or even a person, we automatically evaluate many things from what data we have, mostly visual. This is natural and fine. But the cover can be a poor representation of the person or the book, depending on many factors. The empowered volunteer must always approach someone who could be […]
Many people have found that for them volunteering was a worthy use of their time. Some of the reasoning for volunteering can be found in the quotes below. Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain love for one […]